Origin, History & Cultivation of the Pistachio Tree
ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE PISTACHIO TREE The pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) probably originated in central Asia (Zohary 1952, Whitehouse 1957) where large areas of native trees were found. According to N. I. Vavilov Pistacia vera L. originates from the center of the Near East where the greatest number of its genetic forms are found. […]

Pistachio bark beetle
Scientific name: Chaetoptelius vestitusFamily: Scolytidae DESCRIPTION AND LIFE CYCLE This is a small beetle (3 mm), brownish black in colour, with stiff bristles on the elytra. In April, the adult starts boring tunnels on the tips of young shoots near the spot where it overwintered and in May, it destroys newly formed buds. It creates […]

Pistachio Shoot-hole borer
Scientific name: ThyrsostomagueriniFamily: Heliodinidae This is a small, yellowish moth 4-5 mm long with a wingspan of 12-14 mm. When seated, its body forms a characteristic 35o angle with the sitting surface. It overwinters either as an egg or as larva (6 mm long worm, yellowish with a brown head) near or in the buds […]

The common pistachio psylla
Scientific name: Agonoscena pistaciaeFamily: Aphalaridae LIFECYCLE The common pistachio psylla has two distinct seasonal forms that differ morphologically as well as biologically. The winter form is larger and darker and is observed in early October when it migrates towards the sites where it overwinters (tree trunks, wall cracks, field ground). Psyllas become active in late […]

The pistachio leaf hopper
Scientific name: Idiocerus staliFamily: Cicadellidae DESCRIPTION AND LIFE CYCLE They are of few millimetres long (3-4), their wings form a roof over their back, they are greenish yellow in the summer and reddish in the winter and look like little cicadas in shape. Their back legs are specially designed for jumping. They overwinter as adults […]

The pistachio seed wasp. A significant insect pest of the pistachio.
The pistachio seed waspScientific name: Εurytoma plotnikoviFamily: Eurytomidae These insects are 4-5 mm long, and the females are larger than the males, with a brown-black head and thorax, red-yellow abdomen and red eyes; males are black with yellow-red legs and resemble small wasps. The have one generation per year. They overwinter as full-grown larvae (worms […]